Canada Phone Number Lookup:

Newfoundland and Labrador phone number: +1 - 709 - XXX-XXXX
Country: Canada
Country code: 1
Province or Territory: Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Capital: St. John's
Area Code 709: St. John's
Canada National Capital; Ottawa, Ontario; area code is 613
Local Time:
Time Zone: Newfoundland Standard Time (NST)
Canada is a NANP Country
Newfoundland and Labrador Area Codes: 709
Newfoundland and Labrador reverse phone lookup 1-709 phone number: St. John's, Aguathuna, Anchor Point, Aquaforte, Arnolds Cove, Aspen Cove, Avondale, Badger, Badgers Quay, Baie Verte, Bartletts Harbour, Bay Bulls, Bay L'Argent, Bay Roberts, Baytona, Beaumont, Bell Island, Bell Island Front, Belleoram, Bellevue, Benoits Cove, Bide Arm, Birchy Bay, Birchy Head, Bird Cove, Bishops Falls, Black Duck Cove, Black Duck Siding, Black Tickle, Blaketown, Bloomfield, Boat Harbour West, Bonavista, Bonne Bay, Bonne Bay Pond, Botwood, Boyds Cove, Branch, Brents Cove, Bridgeport, Brighton, Brigus, Broad Cove Bdv, Brookfield, Brownsdale, Buchans, Bunyans Cove, Burgeo, Burgoynes Cove, Burin, Burin Bay Arm, Burlington, Burns Cove, Burnt Islands Blp, Burnt Point Bdv, Calvert, Campbellton, Cannings Cove, Cape Broyle, Cape Freels North, Cape Ray, Cape St George, Cappahayden, Carbonear, Carmanville, Carters Cove, Cartwright, Cartyville, Castors River, Catalina, Cavendish, Chance Cove, Change Islands, Channel-Port-Aux-Basques, Chapel Arm, Chapel Cove, Charleston, Charlottetown, Charlottetown Lab, Churchill Falls, Clarenville, Clarkes Beach, Clarkes Head, Coachmans Cove, Codroy, Coleys Point South, Colinet, Colliers Riverhead, Come By Chance, Comfort Cove-Newstead, Conception Bay South, Conception Harbour, Conche, Conne River, Cooks Harbour, Cormack, Corner Brook, Cottlesville, Cottrells Cove, Cow Head, Coxs Cove, Creston, Creston North, Croque, Cupids, Daniels Harbour, Davis Inlet, Deadmans Bay, Deer Lake, Dover, Doyles, Duntara, Dunville, Durrell, Eastport, Eddies Cove, Elliston, Embree, Englee, English Harbour East, English Harbour West, Epworth, Fair Haven, Fermeuse, Ferryland, Flatrock, Fleur De Lys, Flowers Cove, Fogo, Forteau, Fortune, Fox Harbour Pb, Francois, Frederickton, Frenchmans Cove Boi, Frenchmans Cove Fb, Freshwater Pb, Gambo, Gambo South, Gander, Gander Bay, Gander Bay South, Garden Cove Pb, Garnish, Gaultois, Glenwood, Glovertown, Glovertown South, Gooseberry Cove, Goulds, Grand Bank, Grand Bay East, Grand Bruit, Grand Falls-Windsor, Grand Le Pierre, Grates Cove, Green Island Brook, Green Island Cove, Greens Harbour, Greenspond, Grey River, Hampden, Hants Harbour, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Harbour Breton, Harbour Grace, Harbour Main, Harbour Round, Hare Bay Bb, Harrys Harbour, Hawkes Bay, Head Bay D'Espoir, Hearts Content, Hearts Delight, Heatherton, Hermitage, Herring Neck, Hickmans Harbour, Highlands, Hillgrade, Hillview, Hodges Cove, Holyrood, Hopeall, Hopedale, Horwood, Howley, Indian Bay Bb, Island Harbour, Isle-Aux-Morts, Islington, Jacksons Arm, Jeffreys, Jerseyside, Jobs Cove, Joe Batts Arm, Keels, Kelligrews, Kilbride, Kings Cove, Kings Point, Kippens, L'Anse Au Clair, L'Anse Au Loup, La Poile, La Scie, Labrador City, Ladle Cove, Lamaline, Lark Harbour, Laurenceton, Lawn, Leading Tickles, Lethbridge, Lewins Cove, Lewisporte, Little Bay East, Little Bay Islands, Little Bay Pb, Little Catalina, Little Harbour East Pb, Little Hearts Ease, Little St Lawrence, Lodge Bay, Long Harbour, Lourdes, Lower Island Cove, Lower Lance Cove, Lumsden, Main Brook, Main Point, Makinsons, Makkovik, Marys Harbour, Marystown, Marysvale, Mc Callum, Melrose, Middle Arm Gb, Middle Cove, Miles Cove, Millertown, Milltown, Mings Bight, Mobile, Monkstown, Moretons Harbour, Mount Carmel, Mount Moriah, Mount Pearl, Mud Lake, Musgrave Harbour, Musgravetown, Nain, New Chelsea, New Harbour Tb, New Perlican, Newmans Cove, Newtown, Nippers Harbour, Noels Pond, Normans Cove, Norris Arm, Norris Arm Northside, Norris Point, North Harbour Pb, North Valley, North West Brook, North West River, Northern Bay, Ochre Pit Cove, Old Perlican, Old Shop, Pacquet, Paradise, Paradise River, Parsons Pond, Pasadena, Peterview, Petit Forte, Petty Harbour, Pilleys Island, Placentia, Plate Cove West, Plum Point, Point Leamington, Point Of Bay, Pollards Point, Pools Cove, Pools Island, Port Anson, Port Au Choix, Port Au Port, Port Blandford, Port De Grave, Port Hope Simpson, Port Rexton, Port Saunders, Port Union, Portland Creek, Portugal Cove-St Philips, Postville, Pouch Cove, Pound Cove, Princeton, Pynn's Brook, Raleigh, Ramea, Red Bay, Red Harbour Pb, Reefs Harbour, Reidville, Rencontre East, Renews, Rigolet, River Of Ponds, Riverhead Harbour Grace, Roberts Arm, Robinsons, Rocky Harbour, Roddickton, Rose Blanche, Rushoon, Salmon Cove Bdv, Salvage, Sandringham, Sandy Cove, Seal Cove Cb, Seal Cove Fb, Seal Cove Wb, Seldom Come By, Shea Heights, Shearstown, Ship Harbour Pb, Shoal Harbour, Shoe Cove, Sops Island, South Branch, South Brook Gb, South East Bight, South River, Southern Bay, Southern Harbour Pb, Spaniards Bay, Springdale, St Albans, St Andrews, St Anthony, St Anthony East, St Bernards-Jacques Fontaine, St Brendans, St Brides, St Davids, St Fintans, St Georges, St Josephs Sal, St Lawrence, St Lewis, St Lunaire-Griquet, St Marys, St Pauls, St Shotts, St Vincents, St. John's, Stag Harbour, Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing, Stoneville, Summerford, Summerville, Sunnyside, Swift Current, Terrenceville, Tickle Cove, Tilting, Topsail, Torbay, Tors Cove, Traytown, Trepassey, Trinity Bb, Trinity Tb, Triton, Trout River, Twillingate, Upper Island Cove, Valley Pond, Victoria Cb, Victoria Cove, Wabush, Wareham-Centreville, Wesleyville, West Bay Centre, West St Modeste, Western Bay, Westport, Whitbourne, Whiteway, Wild Cove Wb, Williams Harbour, Wiltondale, Wings Point, Winterland, Winterton, Witless Bay, Woodfords, Woodstock, York Harbour

How to call Canada from:
International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador Area Code +1-709 Reverse Phone Lookup

NANP Countries Dialing Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number