USA Phone Number Lookup:

Canadian Phone number: +1 + Area Code + Exchange Code + Local Number
Country: Canada
Country code: 1
Capital of Canada: Ottawa, Ontario; area code 613
Province or Territory: Ontario
Capital of Ontario: Toronto
Area code for Toronto: 416
Canada is a NANP Country

All area Codes in Canada:
Alberta: 403, 587, 780
British Columbia: 250, 604, 778
Manitoba: 204
New Brunswick: 506
Newfoundland and Labrador: 709
Northwest Territories: 867
Nova Scotia: 902
Nunavut: 867
Ontario: 226, 289, 416, 519, 613, 647, 705, 807, 905
Prince Edward Island: 902
Quebec: 418, 438, 450, 514, 819
Saskatchewan: 306
Yukon: 867

NANP Countries Reverse Phone - Area Codes, Cell Number Lookup