Aland Islands Phone Number Lookup:

Mariehamn, Aland Islands phone number: +358 - 18 - Local Number
Country: Aland Islands
Country code: 358
Area Code 18: Mariehamn, Aland Islands
Capital of Aland Islands: Mariehamn
Local Time:
Time Zone: Eastern European Time (EET)
Country Code +358 include: Finland, Aland Islands
Aland Islands Phone Numbers: 18, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1821, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1843, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1862, 1863
Aland Islands +358-18 Phone Number Search in: Mariehamn
Aland Islands Country Information
Exit Code: 00
Total Population: 28,875
Continent: Europe

How to call Aland Islands from:
International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from Aland Islands
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Aland Islands
Aland Islands Phone Numbers: +358 + Area Code + Local Number