USA Phone Number Lookup:

Delaware phone number: +1 - 302 - XXX-XXXX
Country: USA
Country code: 1
State: Delaware
Delaware Capital: Dover
Area Code 302: Dover
Local Time:
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
USA is a NANP Country
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Delaware Area Codes: 302
Delaware reverse phone lookup 1-302 phone number: Dover, Wilmington, Arden, Bear, Bellefonte, Bethany Beach, Bethel, Blackbird, Blades, Bridgeville, Camden Wyoming, Camden, Cheswold, Christiana, Clarksville, Claymont, Clayton, Dagsboro, Delaware City, Delmar, Dewey Beach, Dover Air Force Base, Edgemoor, Ellendale, Elsmere, Farmington, Felton, Fenwick Island, Frankford, Frederica, Georgetown, Greenville, Greenwood, Harbeson, Harrington, Hartly, Hockessin, Houston, Kenton, Kirkwood, Laurel, Leipsic, Lewes Beach, Lewes, Lincoln, Little Creek, Long Neck, Magnolia, Manor, Marshallton, Marydel, Middletown, Milford, Millsboro, Millville, Milton, Minquadale, Montchanin, Nassau, New Castle, Newark, Newport, Ocean View, Oceanview, Odessa, Port Penn, Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth, Rockland, Saint Georges, Seaford, Selbyville, Smyrna, Stanton, Talleyville, Townsend, Viola, Wilmington, Winterthur, Woodside, Wyoming, Yorklyn

How to call USA from:
International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from USA

Delaware Area Code +1-302 Reverse Phone Lookup

NANP Countries Dialing Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in USA
Delaware, USA Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number